Did you know that in response to the cold, our body reduces the diameter of the blood vessels in the skin so as to limit the loss of heat? This reflex of the body against below zero mercury is not without consequence for the healthy functioning of the dermis and epidermis. Less nourished, their cells work in slow motion and produce less collagen, a protein whose role is to maintain the cutaneous tissues firm. In addition, as the barrier of the skin weakens, it is no longer able to preserve its equilibrium in water, and the production of sebum, which serves to smooth the surface of our skin, is also reduced.


In the end, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dehydrated, has its protective barrier break down, and becomes less effective in eliminating toxins. The consequence is: a skin without protection, fragile and sensitized. Weakened, it must also face the Nordic climate and the aggressions of modern life such as pollution particules that enter the skin more easily, everyday stress that produces free radicals, interior dry heating that dehydrates our skin even more in the cold months, and chemicals gases around us that are also damaging.



Preserving water in the skin is not easy. This is because the ability to maintain one's hydration is greatly affected by the cold and the winds of our climate, in addition to the lack of humidity of our interiors. We can recognize a dehydrated epidermis by its discomfort, but also by its visible changes: its dull appearance, its lack of radiance and its loss of volume.


The epidermis, the visible part of the skin, must be particularly strong to cope with the exterior Canadian environment. It acts as a barrier against the aggressions of Nordic and urban life. Unfortunately, this protective barrier is often reduced and damaged by these repeated attacks, and during the cold seasons, the regeneration of its cells is slowed. The consequence of this destructuration of the epidermis is: a decrease in the ability of our skin to protect itself from the environment, causing sensitivity and irritability on our delicate facial skin.


Did you know that skin elasticity and firmness are proven to be more affected in winter than in summer? Indeed, there is a notable loss of softness of the skin, during the winter season. The main reason behind this is the constant contraction and expansion of the blood vessels, caused by the daily passage from external cold to heated indoors environments, which limits the action of the cells responsible for producing collagen and elastin. The cells are less nourished and weakened, which accelerates the aging of the skin.



The winter season, despite its beauty, also brings its share of antagonism for the skin. This is because the cold temperatures reduce the production of sebum, which leads to skin irritation. Our heated interiors are as challenging as they exacerbate the elimination of the skin’s natural moisture. This general dryness of the skin results in redness, an excess of dead cells, irritation and a rough skin.


All these aggressions irritate our delicate facial skin, making the cutaneous tissues sensitive. This state is the result of aggressions repeated over time: harsh climate, pollution, or the use of inappropriate products. People living in Canada are more likely to experience this condition. As for the consequences of sensitized and therefore reactive skin, they are multiple: deep wrinkles, spots, redness, dehydration, rigidity, free radicals, inflammation and premature aging.